Course Materials
This course will bring you closer to God if you do nothing but watch the videos. But, if you will DO the activities, especially the R&R, Imaging and asking the question daily to your Higher Power and journaling the answers, you will increase your connection to Source dramatically!
Receiving answers, even if they are a bit foggy, flawed, or off the mark, is a great opportunity to practice hearing and understanding God. We suggest you go easy on yourself and sit with the answers you get before trying to explain them to someone else, or share them in any social groups.
When you ask and receive answers, it's best to wait awhile before you go out and make big declarations of what you've learned. Allow God to teach you and give you more information, as needed, to help your understanding of what He's trying to show you, to be integrated into your current understanding. As you do this, you will increase your ability to hear and understand God's voice and gain the understanding needed to continue down the road of eternal progression, one day at a time. If you are patient, fear will subside and trust will take over. One prayer, answer, and revelation, at a time.
Daily Course Instructions:
- Watch one video OR listen to the audio recording (they are the same material).
- Listen to the R&R everyday.
- Listen to the imaging every day. (Ideally, you do the imaging or R&R in the morning and the other one at night. If this isn't possible, do the best you can and call it good.)
- Ask God the question of the day in prayer or meditation.
- Journal the answer
- Post questions, insights and comments (if you have any) on the Facebook Page "Hearing The Voice of The Lord".
After asking the question of the day, wait a few moments for the answer and then start to journal what you feel, think and experience. Give voice to the experience you are having and allow God to speak to you.
After you have done this a few days or weeks, look back at your writings and see the increased understanding and trust you have gained. No one can give you knowledge but GOD. Others can only influence you to believe things, but God gives you TRUTH and anchors it in your soul. Allow that experience to be yours. It is your birthright and you DO have it in you, if you will allow it to come forth.