A woman travels to a beautiful, romantic foreign land. She has left her home to go on a working vacation. She wanted to explore new parts of herself and her job, doing it in a different place than the one she was born and grew up in.
She finds a house to stay in that she really loves, but it has some quirks about it. It’s a small cottage with all the spaces exactly as she would like except one thing; there are no closets. She finds this to be odd, and wonders where the clothes are to be hung. She notices that instead of closets, there are rods hung in the doorways for the cloths. At first it doesn’t seem important or bother her, but after awhile she wonders if something can be done to fix it and to build closets for her clothing. Another strange thing happens in this house, she notices that when she moves from one room to the next, she changes clothing, without intending. She leaves one image to pick up another, as she moves into another room. This is not right and she wants to maintain her full self as she moves from room to room, job or from project to project.
She brings her five children and good friend with her on this journey. The friend is a woman who is strong, wise and well educated. She stays with her for the first four days of the trip, but then she leaves and goes to another land. One with more structure, logic and a more masculine energy.
One of the children of the woman that is with her was her 27 year old son. He was there with his girlfriend. They were not very happy to be there, and wanted to leave. She knew this but wasn’t sure what to do about it.
After the woman settles in, she can’t quite decide what to do. She goes from room to room looking for things to do and things to wear but can’t decide. Should she go shopping? Or go to the beach? Or should she hang out with her kids? She just can’t decide.
She has a pillow in her things that is very powerful and amazing. It takes any disease or virus or bacteria and catches it in a ball that has a strange clay thing in the middle. When she lays down and breaths into it, it catches all the virus’s and bacteria, holding them into until it is washed down the drain. This keeps the family safe as she washes all the frightening things down the drain.
One day as she is getting ready to leave to go to the beach, the owner of the rental house comes in and asks to wash a baby in the shower. Of course she consents and he starts to wash the child. For some reason the faucet doesn’t work very well and is spraying intensely, is a bit too harshly, and won’t turn off when she wants it to. She tries to turn it off, over and over again and isn’t able to. Finally after the baby is washed the owners son comes in and fixes the shower and turns off the water. Unbeknownst to the woman, the washing of the baby is a kind of baptism of sorts. A washing that is meant to clean the baby spiritually as well as physically.
As the woman looks in the mirror she sees herself in a beautiful, silk, sequined and jeweled, fitted jacket and skirt. It is perfectly fitted to her, as if it was made for her beautiful figure. The blouse under the jacket is cream colored with a beautiful cap sleeve, that barely covers the shoulder, crossing over her breast. The jacket follows the line of the blouse with a 3/4 length sleeve. She is also wearing beautiful white gloves.
Our natural home is heaven and this is the journey to earth we all take. It is a short journey of learning and growth. It will feel like work and play at times, both are meaningful. The journey is an intentional one, chosen by the innocent part of each of us.
We all realize at some point of our life on earth, there are things that don’t really fit the truth and are a bit quirky. There are things in this world that just don’t work, although we love life and are willing to put up with the strange spaces, odd customs and unnatural flow. We innately know it’s only for a short time. Although we were aware of the oddities when we signed up for this life, at some point we get tired of the inconvenience of the transitional spaces. We can see they are doorways into different parts of our ego, or fallen earthly selves. They become problems in our lives but are also ways we handle the unsafe and moving parts of life. Eventually we want to fix these gaps in our constant, perfect nature. We don’t want to continue to show up differently in every situation we enter, evoking different responses inside of us. We would like to hold our authentic and innocent selves in every situation.
We each create many parts of ourselves here that are in process of growing up and maturing. Each is of our own making and creation on our journey here on Earth. We have created many ways to perceive and to be, that are of value to us. They are parts of our projected self that’d you be serve us in many ways. We have masculine and feminine characteristics; weak and strong sides and all the emotions we can think of and experience. There is also a part of us that seems mature, wise, and kind, but is also judgmental and stuck in our own thinking. Each part of us has an opposite. The opposing part of ourselves in this space holds us to the weaknesses and strengths we think we need to stay safe and protected in this dream of separation and solitude. We believe that all the parts of ourselves are separate, this is a refection of the separate distinct personalities our creations have. The loss of oneness from our former life is not present in this world.
One element of each of us is our brilliant, charismatic masculine ego. This part of us is young and idealistic and does not understand how the world we live in caters to our ego and the ideas of self, pleasure, special love and special relationships. We don’t quite see that this part of our ego will cause us to feel unsafe, uncomfortable but also wants to leave and go back home. All the while, not know how to do it. This part of ourselves will cause discord and fear, while being highly valued and important in the world. It will argue with us as to the right and wrong of each situation we are in and try and keep us from making mistakes. This masculine ego is ruled by fear and holds it as the god of choice and decision.
Here in this world, we learn how to be comfortable and we settle into the ideas and inconsistent valuing of time, pleasure and things. We go about our lives looking for things to keep us busy and to cover ourselves differently, to match every idea and situation we enter. We have forgotten that our true self is perfect, innocent, consistent, pure, and fits every situation we could ever encounter. There is an ease to our true nature that is beyond anything this world can offer us.
We have been given great gifts of power and healing to see and hold our own safe, comfortable, restful spaces. The safety is created most easily and brings complete health and safety. It is always done while resting and is as easy as breathing. When it is time to release the toxic ideas that have entered the space of rest, we only have to wash them down the drain and let them go. They leave easily and purity is present again. Everyone is able to use this power because everyone has been given access to this restful state and easy place within themselves. Once we have experienced the truth, we know it is true because we have done the process before and although it kinda freaks us out how simple it is, and that she seems to be putting us at risk because it brings us back into contact with the threat, we know it is really the ONLY thing that will give us the safety we desire.
As we get ready to go to places of ease and pleasure, places of movement and joy, our higher power comes to us and asks if we are ready to see and realize the innocence that has always been present in us. If we consent and allow our Higher Power to begin to wash us off, the image we have of the innocent self is realized and becomes clear. At first the purification process seems a bit harsh and it kinda stings. The water – Cleansing experiences come out too intensely and we want them to be shut off, but we are unable to stop the flow of cleansing until we are fully washed off and see the truth of who we truly are and the purity we have always held. It’s at this time that the Son of God comes and regulates the process, and we notice that there really wasn’t any pain at all in it. He then turns off the cleansing action when it is finished. We see that the experiences were a washing rebirth and cleansing we didn’t understand, of our own thinking and perceptions. It has cleaned our vision so that now we see clearly and powerfully the purity, value and virtue of ourselves and all mankind.
As we now looks at ourselves, we see that we have great beauty, value and virtue. We carry this value in our very being and it’s a part of our nature. It is also a natural part of what everyone can see when gazing upon us. Our divine nature is easily reflected to all those who look upon us. As their eyes are also opened, their own divine nature is healed through the interactions we have with them. We become dressed in the energy of healing, calm and renewal. In this healing we’ve been given open communication with the Divine and clarity of thought. Truth accompanies us and our faith causes the Will of God to be manifest on earth. We have become emotionally healed, self aware, creative, trustworthy, reliable, and protected by God. We are devoted to Divinity and in this we spiritually advance naturally. Our hands only interact with purity and our hearts are covered in the purity of Perfect Whole Love. At this point we are 3/4th the way to the end of our journey to complete healing and empowerment. There is still more to be done and accomplished.
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